These curated messages have been crafted to bring sound Biblical teaching that seeks to equip and empower.
Revival Topics
Biblical Worldview
What’s a world-view? Essentially it is the lens in which we observe, interpret and make sense of the world we live in. We take an in depth look at what constitutes a world view: Origins, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny. Finally we examine the various world-views of the world and what makes Biblical Christian worldview absolutely and necessarily distinct.
Tripartite Man: Spirit, Soul, & Body
One of the most basic doctrines of the church is the understanding of spirit, soul, and body. This foundational teaching is absolutely crucial in understanding how God created us with our distinct yet interconnected parts. We also take an in depth look at the practical work of salvation and how God works it out in our entire being.
Covenant Relationships
Covenant is at the bedrock in understanding both the character and nature of God and also how He relates with His creation. This teaching takes an in depth look at what covenant is and how God relates to us through this vehicle. Finally we learn about how covenant gives a framework for how we are to do relationships in the body of Christ.
Holy Spirit: The Person & Work
The Holy Spirit is a person and not an “it”. The Holy Spirit functions as the third person of the Godhead. This teaching takes an in depth examination of both the person and the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s role in the church is absolutely essential for a life of both purity and power.
Prayer: Intimacy & Impact
Leonard Ravenhill once wrote, “No man is greater than his prayer life”. Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God, however effective prayer comes from both training and practice. In this session, we take a Biblical examination of what constitutes prayer and provide real life application training to help ignite, develop and sustain a life of prayer.
Spiritual Warfare: Introduction & Identity
“Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers, principalities, and rulers of darkness in this present world” -Ephesians 6:12
In this session we provide a groundwork understanding of exactly what spiritual warfare is and how it plays out in our world today on both a macro and micro level. We also take an in depth look at our identity in Christ and why it is the solid foundation of spiritual warfare.
Spiritual Warfare: Power & Authority
Jesus gave his disciples two things as it pertained to fighting this spiritual battle. Power and Authority. We take an in depth look at what spiritual authority is as it pertains to our position in Christ. We also examine the power that God has given the church and what the weapons of our warfare are.
Spiritual Warfare: Healing & Deliverance
In Matthew 10, Jesus sent out his disciples and gave them tools to destroy the works of darkness in people’s lives. He said to proclaim, heal, cast out, raise, and cleanse. The Church is called to demonstrate Jesus’ victory over the works of the enemy through the power of the Holy Spirit. In this session we give practical tools for everyday believers to walk out in the ministry of healing and deliverance.
Building Ministry Teams
Functioning as a team is vitally important in creating culture for your church or team. We examine how mutual submission and honor are at the center of what makes a healthy team. We also take a look at the teaching of “5 Voices” and understanding various personality types and “voices” that help to bring alignment and effectiveness in communication and team building.
Reformation Topics
Kingdom Worldview
Jesus spoke about the Kingdom more than any other subject. Ironically, it seems that most of the church is a bit confused on what the Kingdom of God actually is. In Genesis we see the tale of two trees in a garden. In Revelation we see the picture of two cities. We examine why having a sound understanding of the Kingdom of God is so needed and relevant today.
Four Stages of Calling
There are four fundamental questions that every human being is asking. Why am I here? Who am I? What am I? And what am I called to do? In the four stages of calling we examine these fundamental questions from a Biblical Framework of understanding how God relates to each of these questions.
Holistic Gospel
In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission(YWAM), developed a God-given, world-changing strategy. Their mandate: Bring Godly change to a nation by reaching its seven spheres, or mountains, of societal influence.
The Story of Joseph
The life of Joseph is a blueprint and a prototype for understanding how God uses His people to bring transformation into society. What was Joseph’s life journey? What are the timeless principals that we can excavate to bring meaning, understanding and impact in our own lives?
The Story of Daniel
The life of Daniel is a blueprint and a prototype for understanding how God uses His people to bring transformation into society. What was Daniel’s life journey? What are the timeless principals that we can excavate to bring meaning, understanding and impact in our own lives?
Spiritual Intelligence: Renewing of the Mind
We are transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1-2). But what does that look like practically and how do we apply this in our lives in a way that is real. This teaching examines the process of renewing the mind according to the God’s truth. And as Jesus said, it is the Truth that sets us free.
Spiritual Intelligence: Hearing God’s Voice
Hearing God’s voice should be as natural as the air that we breathe. If God formed and fashioned us for relationship with Him, then communicating with the Lord should be at the center of what relationship is all about it. In this teaching, we take a Biblical examination of the ways in which God speaks and how to practice it in our every day lives.
Spiritual Intelligence: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The gifts of the Holy Spirit were always meant for the “'work of service”. God empowers everyday believers to have access to a world of spiritual intelligence to allow us to be more effective in whatever it is He has called us to do. From the ministry to the marketplace and the home to the world.
Building Reformation Teams
What if I told you that William Wilberforce did not accomplish his mission alone, but actually banded together with a group of like-minded reformers who all made a pledge to see change in their society? From the “Clapham Sect” to the “Order of the Mustard Seed” the list goes on and on of how reformers in society never traversed alone but banded together to see the world turned upside down.