LTKC: Our History (Part 1)
LTKC: Our History (Part 1)
If we were to try and recount the story of when the Light returned to Korea, most scholars would probably start at the wake of the 20th century.
This time was a peculiar and unique time for the then, Kingdom of Joseon. The country was facing a dramatic change of events as the Industrial revolution had set into the developed world full steam. The once Hermit Kingdom, was no longer hidden under its turtle shell. After centuries and decades of territorial wars between the great superpowers that surrounded Joseon, it was now in the wake of the 1900’s that Joseon, which would later be named Korea, would find herself in the gulf of the second global war known to man and as the captive of the great superpower of its eastern neighbor Japan for almost 40 years.
But there is more to the story.
From God’s vantage point, the turn of the 20th century would also be a time of global revival unlike ever seen to this time. In 1904 in the small country side of Wales, there would be a move of God that would not only sweep through the soon to be United Kingdom, but would eventually have global impact as its fire would be transferred to almost every continent on the planet. Interestingly, around the same period of time, there would be another lesser known fire that would be kindled in the eastern countryside of Korea, specifically in the area known as Wonsan.
It was roughly 40 years before the fire of Wonsan sparked, that Joseon would experience the first drop of martyr blood in 1866 in one of its major cities, Pyongyang. A young man from Wales named Rev. Robert J Thomas would arrive at the shores of Pyongyang to preach the eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ and would then be stabbed, beaten, and beheaded.
Fast forward to 1903. A methodist missionary named Mary Culler White with another Presbyterian missionary named Louise Mccully began a small prayer meeting that would call down heaven and spark what many do not realize was the beginning embers of revival. These two women who had dedicated their lives to the spreading of the gospel in the Kingdom of Joseon, would meet nightly together to encourage one another and to pray for the missionary efforts in Korea (interchangeable with Joseon).
It was through these two women praying together, that a young Methodist medical missionary named Dr. Robert A. Hardie would become the vessel in which these stored up prayers in the bowls of heaven would then pour upon to. Robert Hardie was asked to prepare a series of messages to the small group of missionaries based in Wonsan for an annual conference. It was during this conference that Robert Hardie, overcome by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, “confessed his inability to gain any fruits out of years of activity in the Gangwon province.” And it was through this act of public confession that the fire of the Holy Spirit was first poured out at Wonsan. The conference became hijacked by the work of the Holy Spirit as hours upon hours were spent by all in attendance in public confession of sin before the Lord.
The fires continued to quietly burn in various regions in Korea as Dr. Hardie began to travel to various cities giving his lectures on the topic of Prayer. Wherever Robert Hardie would travel, the same acts of the Holy Spirit would follow as the fires of repentance and public confession of sin became a hallmark of this time.
It was in 1907 that the city of Pyongyang (“The City of Peace”) would capture the attention of the nation and subsequently the world. Similarly to what took place in Wonsan just a few years earlier, the larger and more cosmopolitan city of Pyongyang was known for its sinful lifestyle and debauchery.
Most of the American missionaries were stationed in Pyongyang as now Korea was being held in tighter grip under Japanese influence. The American government had formally recognized Japanese occupation of Joseon which was brewing much Anti-American sentiment in the hearts of the Korean people.
It was in this growing hostile environment that a move of God would erupt forth in Pyongyang that would not only become the true birthplace of national revival, but would sweep hundreds of thousands into the kingdom before the full annexation of Korea by the Japanese government, ushering the most brutal time of persecution for the Korean people but more specifically to the Korean Church.
In August 1906, the Presbyterian missionaries of Pyongyang gathered together for a week-long conference in which they formally invited Dr. Robert Hardie to come and speak to give his lectures on prayer. It was once again during this conference, that the same fires of public repentance of sin began to grip men’s hearts one by one and as historians have described as “ Every sin that a human being could commit was confessed that night”. American missionaries who had hidden growing contempt for the Korean people began to weep at the alter with tears, asking forgiveness to those that they came to once serve asking for forgiveness for their hidden bitterness. Others confessed sins of stealing church funds for personal use. What would begin here would truly be the mark of when “The Spirit of God was made fully manifest in the presence of men.”
This spiritual fervor and momentum did not cease. With this cleansing fire of the Holy Ghost sweeping through the missionary efforts and early converts of Korea, no more than 30,000 new souls would come into the Kingdom in a matter of the following months.
By 1910, there were now no more than 250,000 Korean believers who had become born again in over 2000 locations on the small peninsula. From a failing missionary effort just several years prior, to a now thriving, self-sustaining, move of the Spirit that came upon Korea. This was the mark of a true revival movement. The Bible which was at this time translated from Chinese to the Korean native language, also gave the newly birthed Korean church the scriptures in their own tongue which undoubtedly sustained this movement for the decades of persecution that lay ahead of them.
The blood of the Martyr from Wales, spilled on the soil of Pyongyang, ignited by the fire of prayer of two women, answered upon a man named Robert Hardie, which was then carried forth back to Pyongyang, which would send fires across the entire country.
Do you believe in providence?