Letters to the Korean Church: An Introduction

Upon reading the title of this writing, it may conjure up thoughts of intrigue, wonder, curiosity. What is this that I am about to read going to say?

I’m going to first start off these series of writings with a personal story to capture the heart of what I believe God is saying in the moment in history that we find ourselves in. 

Sometime in late November of 2020, I found myself on a typical weeknight just roaming around my house doing my normal routine. It was during this time that, for whatever what reason, I found myself hearing the melody of an old Korean hymn that I remember from my past. “Lord, Here am I” is the English translation of the hymn. As I began humming that tune, which later turned into singing, I found myself sensing the Lord’s presence drawing near to me.

I decided to go into my kid’s playroom (which acts as a makeshift prayer room at random times), I found myself on my knees before God feeling somewhat overwhelmed to begin to pray for the Korean and Korean American Church. It was during this time as I found myself under a spirit of prayer that I began to commune with the Holy Spirit in a really profound way. The first words out of my mouth came out in Korean as I began to pray,

“Lord, Please Use the Korean Church Once Again”. 

As I continued to repeat this phrase, I found myself crying with tears as I can only articulate to say that I began to feel the Father Heart of God for this portion of his Global Bride, called the Korean Church.

(Many of us know and believe that God is still speaking to His church today. Our Biblical precedence for this can be found in Revelation 2-3, where Jesus Himself is addressing 7 various churches in Asia Minor. It is clear that Jesus not only knows each of them intimately, but has unique perspective and specific words for each of these groups. I believe the Lord is still speaking today to His church and will continue to use His people to convey these messages. The Spirit of Prophecy is the TESTIMONY of JESUS.)

The sense that started to come over me was one of grief, sadness, and desperate urgency. In short, it is the language of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10) where the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God and makes it known to us. I started to understand in this moment God’s heart for the Korean Church. It was the feeling of a Father who was desperately trying to call his child back to the path. A child who had become mature, self-sufficient, and even wayward, thinking that he was completely fine. All the while, that child is almost at a point where his “lamp stand” may be removed. There has been a deep beckoning of a Father to come back to the place of first love, first obedience, and first calling. 

“Lord send the Spirit of Elijah upon the Korean Church once again. Turn the hearts of the Fathers to their children, and the children to their fathers.” - Malachi 4:6

This is what I continued to pray out in this moment. 

For the next several weeks, I’m going to be sharing what I like to call “Letters to the Korean American Church”. These writings are not meant to be authoritative as “thus saith the Lord”. That is not my intention at all. However, what IS my intention is that I would share with you real, raw, and authentic moments that I have had in the presence of God concerning our people, and a personal interpretation and analysis of what I believe it may mean for the time that we are currently living in. My desire is that you would look at these writings like a musical album. They are meant to be interpretive pieces of art, yet with a clear and concerning message. If I am being even more honest, this really is an act of just simple obedience. I am attempting to articulate something that has been burning in my heart for quite some time to only now couple that with the courage and diligence to communicate it with all authenticity and effectiveness. My hope is that if these messages re-sound with the convictions that lay within others who may come across this, that it would be a witness and a testimony that you are not alone. And truly, together, with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God, I do believe God can use the Korean American Church once again to fulfill HIS PURPOSE for such a time as this. 

God Bless,

Andy Eun 

LTKCAndy Eun